
The Avengers vs. Godzilla Pt.7

Deviation Actions

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Literature Text

Evacuation Shelter in Queens, New York

Within the large shelter outside of Manhattan Island everyone was waiting to hear news of the battle progressing between the Avengers and other heroes against the monster that had been dubbed “Godzilla”. From those who had been driven from their homes to those simply there to feel safer, everyone was anxious and fearful of what the eventual outcome would be. Of course there was faith in their city’s heroes succeeding but given what news they had heard of this monster, this titan of terror, to many it felt like reliving the Galactus invasion all over again.

Many civilians tried to gain what news they could from others, even trying to call to outside sources for information. From Mary Jane and Aunt May Parker comforting each other in knowing Peter would be safe, to J.J. Jameson arguing with Robbie Robertson about not being on the scene themselves to take pictures for the Daily Bugle, to even Jane Foster who was called in to help with any medical emergency constantly checking to hear news of Thor and if he was still alive after being hit by the monster’s fire breath.

There were even the heroes who had not joined in the fighting, those who knew they had no real means of aiding in the fight, who were just as worried as everyone else and trying to deal with it in their own ways. Many simply waited to hear word, like Daredevil, Hellcat and Tigra. Others like Luke Cage were getting tired of waiting, wanting to join in the fight before being talked down by Iron Fist into doing what they could here with the civilians.

Eventually someone had stood and said “Look!” beginning everyone’s attention to one of the large T.V. screens inside the shelter. They looked to see as a new chopper’s feed showed Godzilla down in the middle of central park with the reporter informing everybody of the monster’s defeat. A cheer rose up from the crowds, many thanking God or whoever else they could for stopping him.

There was only a moment of relief before, in a puff of smoke, Nightcrawler appeared, carrying the unconscious Professor Xavier, shouting “I need help! Now!”

Some were surprised not only with his entrance but by the mutant’s appearance. Others, like the heroes, knew who both he and Prof. X were and hurried over to help. Almost immediately Jane Foster hurried over with a gurney and assistance, asking Nightcrawler what had happened.

Before anything could be done Xavier gasped, opening his eyes and sitting up just as he was placed on the gurney. Everyone was surprised to see he was alright, even to where some like Nightcralwer and Jane were asking if he was.

Holding his head to regain himself Xavier said “No… No. We have to tell them! We’ve made a mistake! The monster!”

“Easy there, Prof.” Luke Cage said, holding his shoulder. “It’s over. They got him. The big mutant iguana is down for the count.”

Xavier looked, seeing what was being broadcasted, and shook his head “No… No. This is wrong. Don’t you understand? We were mistaken!” When Jane asked what he meant he turned and explained to everyone “I looked into that creature’s mind. I pried my way into its thoughts. It wasn’t trying to attack us. It was after the meteor!”

“We already knew that.” Nightcralwer pointed out.

“You don’t understand! It wasn’t after it to feed on. It was trying to destroy it. It was trying to destroy it to protect us! To defend the earth from what’s inside!”


Avengers Mansion, Sub-Labs

With help from the meteor entity Mr. Fantastic, with aid from Beast, had finished the last few adjustments to the containment unit. A large power cable was finally hooked and rewired into the unit to help with the eventual funneling of power from whatever power sources nearby to fuel the entity for its need to be awoken. During that time War Machine, Hawkeye and Black Panther all kept weary eyes on what was happening.

Much like with Cap they did not fully trust whatever motivation this entity had. If it was truly peaceful then they would need to see first to believe it. They also tried keep an eye on the feed of what was going on outside, but so far they were having trouble due to interference from some of the damaged machines during the fighting with Hydra.

Eventually, however, War Machine had gotten word from Iron Man. He excused himself from the others while he took this, the other two watching as Mr. Fantastic spoke with the entity.

“That should do it.” He said, wiping his hands. “Once we put the finishing touches, and finally open the energy channels through which the power will flow into your unit and hopefully give you what power you need.”

“Sort of opening the energy floodgates into your swimming pool as it were.” Beast surmised. “That is if you even have swimming pools and floodgates where you come from.”

The entity, speaking through Jena Grey, nodded and said “We thank you, Reed Richards and Hank McCoy. You have been most helpful. Not please, if we may. We require out strength to aid in the fight against the monster and we must be fast if we are to succeed.”

Before anyone could do anything, however, War Machine stepped in and said “Actually we just got word from up top. Seems like our team got the winning score and Team Godzilla’s out of the game.” After explain this to Fantastic and Beast he looked to the entity and said “So I guess we’re going to have to postpone your wake up call for now.”

The entity seemed displeased, saying “We congratulate you for your victory, but we insist you allow us to return to power. We must return to our physical form.”

“Why in such a hurry?” Hawkeye asked. “You’ve survived this long. So I’m sure you can wait another five minutes or so.”

The entity seemed to sense the subtle sarcasm and hostility in both of their voices. Small glances had clued it in to Hawkeye moving for his weapon while the others looked ready to fight. That was enough for it to retaliate, using Jean’s abilities to push them all back with a blast of psychic energy before grabbing Reed by the throat.

“You will give us the power we need!” is hissed. “Now!”

Suddenly someone called and said “Don’t even think about it.” Making everyone looked to see it was Captain America.

He had just arrived out of the elevator leading to the labs from above, accompanied by an assortment of other heroes. All of the Guardians of the Galaxy were there, as well as Iron Man, Invisible Woman, the Wolverine, Captain Marvel, Storm and Cyclops. All of them were armed and ready for a fight with their weapons, or powers, ready to fire right at the entity itself.

“Put him down. Now!” Invisible Woman threatened.

“And while you’re at it, take whatever control you have over Jean out too!” Cyclops added with his own threat.

“Your threats do not frighten us, insects!” It spat. “You cannot stop us! We will have the power!”

“Yeah? Just try it, spooky.” Rocket coaxed, pointing his large blaster right at the being.

Cap, taking charge as usual, stepped forward and demanded “Who or what are you? Really?”

“Meant to give you the full story upstairs, Cap.” Star-Lord began, keeping his element gun pointed as well. “This thing is really old and really bad. It took the first generation forces of the Nova Corps almost a thousand years ago. It destroyed planets and civilizations before they were lucky enough to contain is on some desolate rock out in the middle of the ass-end of the galaxy.”

The entity almost chuckled as it said “No prison could hold us. The planet was destroyed, another meal for the being you call Galactus, but we endured. For we are eternal!”

“Not as long as you’re nothing but a rock.” Iron Man said before calling “Friday, disconnect any reserve power to the mansion and all other means of energy conduction.”

[Doing it now, Boss.] she said as everything inside seemed to power down.

As this happened Cap said to the entity “You’re out of power, and out of options. Now put Richards down, and release Jean. And then we can try to reach a compromise.”

“I am Groot!”

Rocket added “What he said! Are you nuts?”

Gamora spoke up, looking to him and saying “Captain we cannot let this thing go. It’s too dangerous!”

The entity smirked and declared “You are right to fear us! For you cannot stop what can never be stopped!”

With that the entity threw Mr. Fantastic at the group. He was caught by Beast before being clear for everyone else to attack. Even as they did, however, all weapons and energy bolts and anything else were stopped. Thanks to Jean’s abilities the entity was able to stop their attacks before turning them back towards the heroes. After that, will all of them distracted, it walked over to the power conduit and touched it, starting to react with the circuitry and so forth to make it turn on.

As everything powered up again Iron Man called “Friday! Shut everything down!”

[I’m trying, but everything’s being overridden. I’m losing control.]

With full control over the systems the entity now put the final act into play. Using Reed’s rewiring it was able to start funneling power from the mansion into the unit where the meteor was stored. But it did not stop there. More power was being drained from the city and the surrounding areas. Even to where the shelter in Queens the power was drained, nearly the entire state soon going dark in the wake of the energy surge going towards the meteor.

With enough power finally consumed the meteor began to glow bright, as if it had just landed freshly from space. Everyone could see as it began to crack, something inside stirring. Everything began to shake and soon it felt as though the entire mansion was starting to collapse.

The entity spoke again, declaring “This is the end, mortals! Your planet will know the glory of destruction by our hands! For we are the Omega of creation! The King of Terror! And the galaxy will soon fear us again as your planet’s final words will be the scream of our name. Ghidorah!”

With that the connection with the entity, Ghidorah, had broken with Jean Grey. She collapsed to the ground with Cyclops hurrying to pick her up and run for the exit as fast as he could. Cap called for everyone to hurry, taking one final look at the meteor as it cracked further, revealing to him it was more than a space rock but indeed an egg of sorts.

Once on the surface Cap and everyone else called for everyone nearby to run and get back as far as they could. Heroes and military alike hurried, getting back far enough just as the mansion began to collapse. Eventually it caved into a giant crater that took both the mansion and half the block with it I the process.

After that everyone watched as something began to emerge. A large golden form that soon revealed itself as the true form of Ghidorah. A giant creature much like Godzilla, standing perhaps a few meters taller. Giant, brilliant, golden wings that opened to reveal a matching body of tough looking scales. Two strong legs supported the massive body, added by the use of two long tails. Three claws on each wing’s thumb area were revealed to help the beast walk on them, like a bat on the ground. And finally everyone was shocked to see the beast had not one but three serpent-like heads, all with deadly teeth, blazing red eyes, slender elongated horns and each giving a collective screech of a roar.

Seeing this new monster Spider-Man shouted “Oh, you’ve got to be kidding me!”

Ghidorah’s attention soon turned to everyone below it, forcing one of the militia leaders to order for everyone to fire. Despite Cap’s pleas for them to stop tanks fired, hitting the space monster at the chest. The effect was the same as it was with Godzilla, fruitless.

With that the middle head of Ghidorah opened its mouth, priming for an attack. Everyone could see as its mouth glowed, seeming to drawn in energy around the maw. Cap and others ordered for everyone to move out of the way before a powerful stream of what seemed like electrical energy shot out, decimating some of the tanks.

Dropping to its wings Ghidorah began to crawl about, all heads pointing in different directions and blasting with electrical energy. Buildings that were hit almost splintered to pieces. Tanks, cars and all over vehicles were obliterated. And those that were caught in a blast were practically decimated into atoms.

After collecting themselves some of the heroes had taken cover or flown out of the way in time. When they realized they had yet another fight on their hands some, like Captain Marvel, Hulk, Iron Man, War Machine, Vision, and Thor, all leapt at the opportunity to counterattack.

During this point Fury had shouted “Great! We spend half our time and resources just to take down one monster, and how another one pops up!” He cursed under his breath before turning to Coulson and ordering “We need more support. National Guard. Army. Air Force. Even the damn Animal Control if you have to. But we’ve got to take that thing down!”

Coulson tried to object with “Sir, it….it won’t be enough.”

“That’s an order, Coulson!” he retorted loudly, forcing the agent to agree before making what calls were needed. He turned back to Cap and joined him in looking at the new monstrous menace and asked “What’s your plan for this one?”

Cap, still looking, only said “Same as before. We keep hitting it until it goes down?”

“With what? We’re down with less than half the resources we had before.”

Cap looked to Wasp and Yellowjacket, both small and hovering nearby with Ant-Man who was riding a flying ant, and asked “You think you’d be willing to try that brain scrambling trick again?”

Yellowjacket was the only one to grow back to normal size before saying “If not because I’m not thrilled with the idea of riding into another giant animal’s mouth, I don’t think it will work. We could knock out one head, but that’s no guarantee the other two will go down. This thing is a whole other animal all-together.”

“Then what do we do?” Wasp asked. “We can’t beat that thing with brute force. Look what happened last time!”

While trying to think of a plan everyone not fighting Ghidorah was watching as those who were gave their all. Iron Man and War Machine fired what weaponry they still had, the former commenting how harder it was now without the Hulkbuster armor while the latter commented this was why he needed one of his own. Ms. Marvel fired what energy bolts she could while Hulk and Thor grappled with two of the dragon’s heads. The vision tried scanning for weak points while firing his laser, trying to pierce through the tough hide that, as he realized, made it almost harder than Godzilla.

Thor managed to smack one of the heads with Mjolnir, saying “You may be a destroyer of worlds, golden beast, but you’ll find this world is far different from-”

The head swung back, knocking Thor out of the air, making Hulk yell out “Hey, Goldilocks, next time less talk and more smash!”

Cap, getting an idea, walked over to where Star-Lord and the other Guardians were and began to question with “The Nova Corps. The ones you said stopped this thing before, right? How did they do it?”

He thought for a moment before realizing “I think they did something where they drew him away from energy and then somehow drained it out of him. But that’s why they chose a barren planet. No sort of technology or power sources around. This whole rock is basically a buffet for him.”

Drax stepped in and added “I sensed intelligence in that creature’s voice when it possessed your friend. I doubt it will even fall for the same trick twice.”

“No, but we can try a whole new one.” Cap realized before going on coms. “Carol? You think you’d be willing for another big power boost?”

“Are you asking what I think you’re asking?” she asked, stopping to talk with him via coms.
“We have to try and drain that things energy. If we can get it weak enough maybe we can gain the edge we need to take it down.”

“I don’t know if I can contain all that sort of energy on my own, Cap.” She explained.

“That’s why you won’t be, Carol.” Someone had said, making her turn to see Rouge flying nearby. “It’s going to be a tough one, darlin’. You ready?”

With a smirk she answered “If you can do it, then so can I.”

The two flew down into the commotion of the fight. They waited for everyone else to keep the three heads of Ghidorah busy before finding a spot at the back. They flew down, Rouge commenting how she hopped this wouldn’t lead to her growing three heads, before both grabbed hold and began siphoning the energy out from the space monster.

All three heads screeched before one broke free from Thor’s grip. It looked back, see the two heroines, and tried to retaliate. Instead Hercules had jumped into the fight and grabbed hold of its horns to give the two femme fatales more time.

Not even a minute passed before Captain Marvel and Rouge already felt they were at their limits. Cap spoke to them both over coms, telling them to just hang on as much as they could until it was over. But then something unexpected happened. Both of the felt the energy being drained out of them. They groaned in pain as it felt like the reverse effect of their powers was being used on them.

When Panther asked what was happening Mr. Fantastic realized “It’s draining them! It’s stealing their energy!”

Cap quickly called “Get out of there! Both of you. Now!”

Marvel was able to break free but needed to pull Rouge off before flying her off and away with what strength she had left. The trick Ghidorah has used seemed to work to its advantage as it managed to free its heads before firing more bolts of energy. Hulk and Hercules took direct hits, flying back and hitting nearby streets, while Iron Man and War Machine were lucky to maneuver out of the way in time.

Seeing this Fury said “Our options are getting thin, Captain. Either we come up with a plan or the army’s going to send every possible nuke it has at this thing until there’s nothing left.”

“Fury, you need to keep that from happening.” Cap said. “If this thing it taking in energy, that could make things worse.”

“Well I can’t keep them quiet forever. The whole world is seeing this right now and they need to know we have the situation in hand.”

“I think it’s beyond our hands at this point.” Black Widow pointed out. “The militia and air force is sending what it has but it might not be enough.”

“Is there anyone else we can call on?” Ant-Man asked. He even looked to the Guardians, saying “What about your Nova Corps guys?”

“Until this threat leaves Earth they won’t see it as a problem.” Gamora explained.

“I am Groot.”

Rocket perked up and asked “What do you mean you smell fish? You don’t even have a nose!”

Before anyone could further question this their attention was drawn to the sound of Ghidorah roaring. They looked to see as Thor tried using his thunder summoning powers and blast a concentrated storm at Ghidorah. It proves fruitless as the monster only took it in before firing bolts of energy at him. Thor was knocked out of the air and pinned down by one of Ghidorah’s wings.

Everyone held their breath as the golden monster seemed ready to make a killing blow before something had shot at it. A large blast of energy from some sort of cannon that had actually forced Ghidorah off Thor. Everyone looked in surprise as to what had done it, and who was responsible.

Riding into the scene was an entire force of Atlantian war machines. All amphibious in design with all manner of small caliber to large caliber types of weaponry strapped to them. Some were like walking fish and crustaceans while others actually hovered in the air like flying fish. Among them were armed and ready Atlantian warriors, humanoids with blue skin and fish-like features. And at the lead of this force was Namor, the half-breed king of Atlantis, and his cousin Namorita.

As everyone, including Ghidorah, saw this Namor gave the shaking battle cry of “Imperious REX!”

The Atlantian forces charged into battle, both foot soldier and war machine alike. They gave their roaring cries as they headed into battle, firing everything they had at the giant monster as it roared and braced itself for yet another fight. Heroes joined into the fray, like Hulk and Hercules and even Goliath and Yellowjacket.

At one point even Wolverine had yelled “Hell yeah!” before joining them as he ran into the group, claws bared and a roar in his lungs.

Seeing this new legion of fish-people troops Rocket Raccoon said to Star-Lord “Sheesh, Quill. Your planet is really weird.”

As the rest of his troops advanced Namor, along with Namorita, flew over to Captain America and the others before saying “Do not think this was my own choice, Director Fury. My cousin, however, can be very persuasive.”

Fury looked to Narmoita and nodded his thanks before saying to Namor “I would say I wish you’d have made that choice sooner. All the same, better late than never.”

Namor only nodded before watching as his forces battled Ghidorah, saying “When you described the creature, you did not mention it had three heads.”

Cap was the one to explain “This isn’t the same one. Look, we’ll explain later. Just hit him with everything you got. Keep him busy.”

Namor nodded, flying off with Namorita to lead the charge. As this happened Star-Lord turned, walking towards where his ship was parked. Gamora and the other Guardian members realized this and followed, leaving everyone else to watch the fight.

“Quill?” Gamora called. “Where are you going?”

“Back to the Milano.” He stated.

“What?” Drax asked. “You’re leaving?”

He stopped and turned, smirking as he said “Who said I was leaving?” Everyone was relieved before saying “You guys going to come with or what?”

“I am Groot.”

With that Gamora walked over to join Quill and said “Can’t argue with that, now can we?”

All smiled before making for the Milano. Meanwhile Cap, Fury and the other heroes standing by watched as Ghidorah started to retaliate against the barrage of the Atlantian forces. He fired ore electrical energy from his heads, destroy soldier and ship alike.

Black Panther spoke up and said “I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but none of this will mean a thing unless we can find the proper means of dealing with this new monster.”

“But what else can we do?” Storm asked, standing nearby. “There’s nothing left.”

Cap had a sudden realization, almost like an epiphany, before saying “Yes there is.”

When he looked to everyone it took a moment for them to realize, Spider-Man saying “Wait….no. No, no, no. No way. You can’t be serious!”

“Ah!” Mr. Fantastic realized. “I see. Fighting fire with fire as it were.”

“I might get that metaphor, but even I think that sounds crazy.” Human Torch said.

Beast then added “Logically it seems the best course of action. Although almost anything would be at this rate.”

Iron Man, listening in on the conversation, asked “Are we talking about waking up Godzilla? Or trying to talk Ghidorah into sitting down over a plate of Shawarma to talk things out? Either one I’m voting for yes.”

Spider-Man pointed out “We just spent the entire day, and nearly everything we had taking that big bastard down. And now you want to wake him up? What if he starts attack us all over again?”

“I don’t think he will.” Cap explained. “Remember, he was after the meteor. Maybe he was really after that!” He pointed out Ghidorah. “If we put him back in the game, maybe he could be the turning point.”

“And what’s to stop him from attacking us all over again when he’s finished with that Ghidorah freak?” The Thing asked.

Cap, for a moment, was silent as he thought on it before finally saying “Guess we’ll deal with that when it comes to it.” Those who were not fully on-board only sighed with annoyance, knowing there wasn’t any other choice, before Cap ordered “Reed, T’Challa, Janet, Scott, Spider-Man, and Storm go and see what you can do.”

From above someone said “I’ll go too.” Everyone seeing it was Captain Marvel bringing back Rouge. “I managed to hang on to a little bit of energy I got from Ghidorah. Maybe it can help wake the big guy up.” After Cap thanked her she added “To be honest I’m just as unsure about this as the others, but it’s not like we have a lot of options left.”

As the group headed off Cyclops said “I’m getting Jean out of here. She needs medical attention.” Cap gave his understanding before saying “Colossus can be in-charge until then. I was going to suggest Logan but…”

“I know. I know.” Cap only said before allowing him to hurry off. After that he looked to the remaining group of heroes and said “Everyone else, let’s just hold him off until they get the job done. Throw every last thing we have. Don’t let up. Not even an inch. We hit hard and fast.” He turned, bearing his shield at the ready, and said “We’re the only thing between that monster and the destruction of the Earth. Let’s show him why he picked the wrong planet to land on!”

With that Cap lead the charge, storming off with the reaming heroes at his back as they hurried into the fray of battle. They joined the Atlantians and other heroes in the battle against Ghidorah, holding out for the one last hope the other team could bring.

Fury, and the other S.H.I.E.L.D. members, all watched, a confident smile on the director’s face. He felt even if they failed this day, he would know the last thing he saw was Earth’s mightiest heroes standing down the face of destruction to the very last.


The team had arrived at Godzilla’s location, just in time to see the Milano fly off as the Guardians now joined in the fight against Ghidorah. Despite this the heroes continued towards the downed monster, reaching his head before seeing if there was a way to revive him.

“Okay.” Wasp began. “So we’ve got a three hundred story monster, who’s almost brain dead. Any ideas how to change that before we’re blown to bits?”

Mr. Fantastic thought for a moment before saying “If it’s true what you and Hank did before, then what we need to do is to basically power up his brain again. Sort of breathe new life into it, as it were.”

“How?” Ant-Man asked. “Guy’s got a skull thicker than Logan’s. Even his claws couldn’t only cut so deep.”

Panther, looking closely, added “Not to mention they’ve seem to have healed rather fast. It’s possible this creature has something of a healing factor.”

“As if we wasn’t tough enough already.” Spider-Man commented. “So basically we need to give him some sort kind of shock therapy.”

“I may be able to help with that.” Storm suggested.

“But we still need to make sure it connects with the proper parts of the brain where he was hit.” Fantastic pointed out. “We don’t want to give him too much, or risk frying his brain completely. We need a conduit of some kind.”

Spider-Man, in answer, shot out a small strand of his web and asked “How about this?” When asked how it would work he explained “I deal with a guy made of electricity almost every other Tuesday. Had to retrofit my gear or else wind up with one hell of a buzz every time.”

As everyone agreed, Spider-Man handing a long strand of web to Wasp and Ant-Man, Captain Marvel then added “I’ll try hitting him with what I have left. If the shock wakes him up, hopefully the energy can sober him up. Or…piss him off royally. Either way, right?”

Everyone was a little hesitant after that but, nonetheless, began to work on reviving Godzilla. Wasp and Ant-Man shrunk down before crawling into Godzilla’s ear, Wasp commenting how she hated the fact she had to do this twice in one day, carrying Spider-Man’s web as he fed it to them. They waited until the connection via the web was made before the two crawled back out of Godzilla’s head. After that Godzilla handed the remainder of the web to Storm, who stood back as she began to summon her powers to call down a bolt of lightning. Everyone stood back and waited while this happened, at the same time Captain Marvel coming to the top of Godzilla’s head and readying her energy bolts.

After counting down by three both Storm and Captain Marvel used their powers. Storm summoned a single bolt that traveled through her to the web, feeding down through it into Godzilla’s brain. At the same time Marvel released what stored energy she gained from Ghidorah, pouring it into the giant beast. Both continued to feed power, yet nothing seemed to happen.

As a full 30 seconds past Captain Marvel kept saying “C’mon. Work, dammit. Work!” Still nothing, even as the last bits of energy were draining. “Come on. Wake up! You’re tougher than this. So get up! C’mon. Wake up. Wake up. Wake….up!”

Finally both finished, cutting off from using their powers. When they did they backed away as everyone held their breath in anticipation. At first nothing seemed to happen, everyone thinking the plan was a failure. Until the sudden sound of a giant nose taking in air.

The next thing they knew the heroes saw as a giant reptilian eye finally opened wide.
I own nothing. All rights belong to the respective owners and Marvel and Toho.

While not in any Godzilla series, Ghidorah did have mind control abilities in "Rebirth of Mothra III". It was always one trait that I wished had been used with the monster, giving it a more sinister edge. I thought to incorporate it into this version, as well as give a shout back to the original with the idea of him being born out of a meteor. Plus with this being a Godzilla story, how could one of his biggest enemies ever not make an appearance? lol.

Part 8:…
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minotaurlord9's avatar
Ooooh boy!

Things are going to get interesting!