
End of Worlds: A Disney Crossover Sequel ch.5

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Literature Text

The Hunt

After arriving through the Doorway into Mulan’s world, also known as the Land of Dragons, Mickey and his friends looked around for any signs of Pete or perhaps what he was after.

They found they were outside a small village, thankfully out of site from anyone. They hid the moment they realized where they were, poking their heads from the alleyway they were. It seemed a pretty busy little town but not somewhere someone like Pete would easily hide.

“What do you think Pete would be after here?” Goofy asked.

“Who’s the alpha being in this world?” Mickey asked, almost as an answer to Goofy’s question.

They looked to Donald who gave a confused sound before saying “I’m really sure. I never remember the one from this world.”

“It’s got to be someone close to Mulan, right?” Goofy assumed. “That’s usually the case.”

“So we go find her then.” Mickey reasoned. “C’mon. Her home’s this way. And likely so is Pete.”


Meanwhile in Argabah Max and Scrooge McDuck had now arrived via the Doorway just outside the city and close to the desert.

Looking around Max said “Now when I think exotic new worlds, THIS is what I think of. Probably could do with a beach though.”

“No time for any of that, lad.” Scrooge said, waving his suggestion off and holding up his staff. “We’ve got some tracking to do.”

Max watched as Scrooge pointed his staff forward before asking “I take it you’ve got some kind of magic tracking spell, right?”

“No, something better.” He said as he began to hold the staff loosely so it would wobble in direction. “It’s called ‘instinct’.”

Max gave a dumbfounded look after hearing this. A powerful sorcerer from his world not using magic seemed a little ironic and yet stupid. When Scrooge had finally stopped and began leading Max, out towards the desert, Max gave a reluctant look back towards the city before finally following. He just hoped this mad duck magician knew what he was doing.


The trio eventually reached Mulan’s home, still looking around for any signs of anything out of the ordinary.

“I don’t think he’s here.” Donald said a little loudly.

Mickey shushed him before whispering “We need to be quiet out of sight. Remember? No one knows about others worlds here yet.”

Both Donald and Goofy nodded, seeing Mickey was right, before their king motioned for them to follow as quietly and secretively as he did. They walked as he did, stealthy as possible and taking small tiptoe steps. They kept close to the walls of the buildings they passed, including the stable just within the house’s wall that surrounded the portion of land.

As they snuck by they passed a window into the older relative of the house, Mulan’s grandmother, she was making tea. She’d just finished and sipped a little when she spotted Goofy passing by the window after not ducking down far enough. After seeing him her eyes went wide and then she looked at her tea, pouring it out of the cup after thinking that was what made her see a giant walking dog-man.

The trio eventually found themselves out in the garden near the house, still not seeing anything. What they didn’t realize was that they were being watched.

“Maybe Pete already found what he was looking for and left.” Donald suggested.

“We did wind up here after he did.” Goofy reminded them.

Mickey gave an annoyed sigh before saying “Well I still think we should see Mulan about this?”

Suddenly a booming voice from behind called out “Why do you come here, seeking the great Fa Mulan?”


After trudging through the desert for a good half-hour, Max and Scrooge stopped when they saw someone out in the distance just below the sand dune where they stood.

It was P.J. He was standing over what the two heroes realized was a deep hole going down into a certain spot in the desert. He was alone but holding a rope that lead down into it. He was wearing an outfit similar to his father, only more patched together and with a poncho-like attachment around his shoulders.

At Max’s instruction he and Scrooge crouched down and looked over the dune to see him, Max stating “He’s alone.”

“Maybe not.” Scrooge retorted. “There might be someone at the other end of that rope.” Max nodded when he figured that could be true before Scrooge suggested “We should take him now, before whoever his friend is comes back.”

Scrooge was ready to act before Max grabbed his robe to pull him back before saying “Wait! I want to talk with him first.”

“Talk with him?” Scrooge asked in a dumbfounded manner. “That boy is responsible for his father’s escape and starting all this hullabaloo that we’ve got to settle.”

“But he’s my friend too.” Max retorted. “We can’t be sure he’s doing this because he wants to. Please, just let me try and talk first. If he doesn’t cooperate….then we’ll do what we have to.”

Scrooge seemed ready to argue on why it wasn’t a good idea, yet slowly began to back down when he realized how sure Max was. He finally nodded before Max returned it and both slowly made their way down towards him without startling him.


The trio all jumped before turning and looking ready to fight as they saw what was confronting them.

On a rock in front of a small behind in the garden they stood in was the shadow of a dragon-like monster. It stood as tall as the rock itself, which was about 10 feet tall, and had fire poking from the bushes nearby under it.

“You mortals dare tired upon the sacred home of the Fa family?” the creature boomed. “For that, I will see you sent to the many levels of death and destruction. Where so many torments await you that…well, let’s just say it’s not pretty!”

Goofy was sacred to the point of almost running before Donald stopped him and Mickey said “We don’t want any trouble. Honest! We just needed Mulan’s help. We’re looking for someone.”

“Looking?” it asked. “I’d say more like you need to find yourself somewhere to pray for your lives! Because I shall…” the creature stopped when it realized the fires were going down along with its size. It leaned over and said to someone “Hey! Keep fanning, will you? We’re losing effect here.” Someone off to the side fanned the flames to make the shadow big again before it said “Where was I? Oh yeah! So be gone, you abnormal freaky animal men, before I unleash my vengeance!”

Having seen the accident with the flames, Mickey and the others gave a skeptical look at the shadow creature as it continued its threatening bravado of destroying them. Mickey gave a sign to Donald who used his magic to create a wind spell. The power of it was so great that it blew the flames out before the one’s responsible were pushed out from behind the bushes as well. It was the little red dragon Mushu and his insect companion Cri-Kee, who was holding a small lead that acted as the fan he’d used.

Seeing that he was exposed Mushu gave an awkward laugh before asking “So how did I do? Pretty hot with the performance, right?” Seeing the unimpressed looks on their faces he looked to Cri-Kee and said “For the record, I blame you.” The little cricket chirped something at him before he said “Well next time stay focused. How am I supposed to be a good guardian when you keep messing up my threatening tone?” He chirped again before Mushu retorted “I do too! It’s just…a little on the short side is all.”

Mickey cleared his throat to bring attention back to him and his friends before saying “If you don’t mind, we could really use your help. Or at least help us find Mulan.”

“Well she isn’t here.” Mushu said. When they asked what he meant he explained “She’s in the capital, dealing with business for the Emperor. Hero-girl like her can’t stay home forever you know.”


As P.J. stood guard at the hole he didn’t realize anyone was around until Max had said “Hey, Peej.”

He jumped when he not only heard his voice but also at the mention of his old nickname. He turned and saw Max standing there along with Scrooge behind him, looking uneasy around him as they talked.

Max held his hands up, showing he wasn’t armed, before saying “It’s okay, Peej. It’s me. I just want to talk.”

“M-m-Max, you can’t be here.” He said, stuttering over his words a little.

“What are you doing?” Max asked, indicating the hole with the rope.

Max looked back to the hole before avoiding the question with “Look, you need to go. You don’t want to be here.”

“Why not?” Max asked. “Please, P.J., just tell me what this is all about? Why does your dad want all the Alpha Beings?”

“It-It’s not my dad this is for.” P.J. tried to explain. “It’s…’s for the Master of Worlds.”

Scrooge and Max looked oddly at him before Scrooge asked “Who in all of the worlds is that?”
“I-I don’t know. He came to us. Told us we had to help him and we’d be rich.”

“That’s it?” Scrooge asked out of anger. “You’re doing all of this, risking the lives of all the people in all the worlds, for money?”

“You don’t understand.” P.J. tried explaining while also sounding like he was begging. “The Master he’s got some plan. We don’t know what it is. But he’s making us bring him all this stuff. We don’t have a choice.”

“A choice?” Max asked. He grabbed P.J. by the collar and pulled him close before saying “You’re going to cause a lot of damage if you keep all of this up. You need to fight him, Peej.”

P.J. gave a more disheartened look before saying “No we can’t. You don’t know what he’s like, Max. He powerful, man. He has magic. Really strong and nasty kind too. And if we don’t do what he wants….then we’re not worth keeping around.”

Both Max and Scrooge could see how frightened P.J. was. Whoever he was working for, this Master of Worlds, he must’ve been as strong as he claimed. Though the question of who and where he was still remained.

“It’s okay, Peej.” Max said. “Everything’s going to be alright, buddy? Just tell us where he is.”

Before P.J. could say anything there was an explosion from behind, coming from the hole. All jumped back when they realized it was magic, and that only helped for them to figure who had been rummaging down in the hole.

Peg Pete jumped out with an angered look on her face. In her left hand was what she’d been searching for, Jafar’s Lamp. Max and Scrooge were shocked when they realized she’d been searching through the Cave of Wonders this entire time.

Peg tossed the lamp to P.J. before saying “Didn’t your father teach you never to stick your nose where it doesn’t belong, Maxie?”

Max looked to P.J., seeing the lamp, before back to Peg and saying “Mrs. Pete, please! This doesn’t have to get any worse.”

She sighed with reluctance before saying “You’ve always been the sweet one, Max. Trying to help whoever you can, just like your father. But I’m doing this for my family’s sake. I’m…sorry.”

Scrooge, fed up with this, stood in front of Max with his staff and said “I’ve heard enough. Now we do what we have to do!”

Max tried to stop him but it was too late as both he and Peg fired magic at each other. The blasts collided in the air which blasted everyone back for a moment. When they recovered Max spotted P.J. running off with the lamp while Scrooge and Peg readied themselves for a magic fight. With no other choice Max drew his sword and chased after P.J.


“Great.” Donald said after hearing Mulan wasn’t home. “We came all this way for nothing.”

“Maybe not, Donald.” Goofy suggested before looking to Mushu. “Pardon me, little fella, but did you see anyone around here? Any out of the ordinary types?”

“You mean aside from the big talking duck, dog and mouse I’m looking at?” Mushu asked with a sarcastic tone. Cri-Kee chirped something at him before he said “I know, I was getting to the big cat guy. It’s called sarcasm.”

Mickey perked up and asked “You’ve seen Pete? Where?”

“The big furry cat man came around here and was snooping for something.” Mushu explained. “Then he up disappeared. I was hiding the whole time before you all came along. Though scaring you off would be better.”

“If Pete was snooping around then where is he now?” Donald asked.

Suddenly someone said “Right behind you, chump.” Only for all three of them to get hit across the back of their heads by a heavy club.

As all of them fell Mushu and Cri-Kee jumped back before seeing Pete standing there with a grin of his face. Before either of them could run Pistol had jumped out from behind and snatched Mushu up in a bag before holding him up.

“Help!” he cried from inside. “Dragonnappers! I’m being 1210’d here!”

“Good work, Pistol.” Pete said after seeing her capture Mushu. “Now let’s head back. The boss is going to be really happy when he sees this.”

“Okay, daddy.” She said before skipping off towards a portal that began to form nearby.

Pete looked and saw as Donald was about to get up, only for him to brand him over the head to knock him out. He huffed with delight at this before stepping over the three and walking towards the portal. Mickey lifted his head and could see this before trying to stand, still wobbly from the hard hit.

“Pe…Pete…..wait...” he tried to say.

“Sorry, shrimp. But this time I’m going to be the one who wins.” Pete said before giving a bellowing laugh.

He walked through the portal along with his daughter before both were gone. Mickey fell to his knees angered by this just before Goofy got up. Seeing this the heroes realized that they’d lost yet another piece in the puzzle of stopping whoever was behind this.


Peg and Scrooge were engaged in a heated battle of magic. She threw fireballs at him which were blocked when he’d spun his staff and crated a barrier in front of him. The old duck wizard then used a wind spell that blew sand towards her, only for her to flow it through her hands and toss it back at him. Scrooge turned the entire cloud into ice before it fell to the ground.

“You have a lot of spirit, lass. But I make up for it with experience.” He boasted.

“Oh quite your boasting, you old honker.” She sassed back at him. “Your ego’s as big as that silly hat you wear.”

He gave a flabbergasted gasp before saying “This hat’s been in my family for generations.”
“Looks it.” She giggled before they continued fighting.

Meanwhile Max had kept chasing P.J. while calling “Peej, stop! Give me the lamp!”

But he didn’t listen and kept running only to eventually trip over one sand dune and roll all the way down to the bottom. He dropped the lamp as it fell nearby but P.J. recovered in time to see where it was before Max started running down the dune after him.

Just as P.J. reached the lamp Max ran into him from behind and the two tumbled together onto the sand. They landed next to each other on their backs before realizing they had to scramble for the lamp, P.J. pushing Max down only for him to grab his leg and trip him. Each of them kept tripping the other one before both finally reached the lamp and grabbed it together.

They played tug of war with the lamp, both pulling for it, before Max let go and made P.J. fall back and send the lamp into the air before it landed in the sand behind him. Max ran for it but P.J. had an idea that involved jumping high enough to land on Max and nearly crush him with his own weight.

Max was flat in the sand before Pete managed to get up and grab the lamp. Max recovered in time to see this and stood.

“P.J, cut this out now!” he said before holding up his sword. “I don’t want to fight you, buddy. But I can’t let you do this.”

“I….I don’t want to fight either, man.” He began. “But….but I can’t let the family down. I’m….I’m sorry.” Max stepped forward to stop him before P.J. said “I wish you and Scrooge would go back where you came from.”

With that Jafar’s lamp began to glow and then, in a push of smoke Max was gone. The same thing happened to Scrooge while he and Peg were fighting, she looking surprised when he suddenly vanished. She looked around, not seeing any sign of him, before seeing P.J. come back towards her with the lamp.

“Good thinking, P.J.” she said with a proud tone. “Papa will be so proud of you.”

He gave a little smile but it soon turned into an uneasy frown. A moment later a portal opened for them and Peg held her son by the shoulders as they went through it, leaving Agrabah.


While waiting in the Disney Castle, the assembled heroes had tried to make the best of the situation and wound up having a little fun in the process.

They were all in one of the larger halls of the castle where more of the younger and/or energetic of the bunch were playing with each other while others sat and watched while talking among themselves. Lilo was riding around Sven while chasing Stitch who was rolling around like a ball. Olaf and Pluto ran after from behind while laughing as the former kept calling for being short didn’t mean he wasn’t fast.

Meanwhile Minnie sat with Daisy, both looking worried for what was happening to Mickey and the others during their search in the other worlds. Aside from that there was Merida sitting with, Anna, Elsa and Kristoff and talking with themselves while often glancing over to see what the others were up to.

“So technically while you’re queen, you never married?” Merida had asked Elsa. When the Queen of Arendelle confirmed this Merida snapped her fingers and said “Ah-ha! I knew you didn’t need a king to run a kingdom.”

“Yeah. Guess you could say we’re living in a Queendom.” Anna figured.

“Maybe you should come and tell that idea to my mum and dad.” Merida suggested. “And if they don’t listen you could always make it snow really bad until they do.”

Elsa shied away from the joke before saying “Not the best idea. Especially after nearly making an eternal winter back in our home.”

“Hey, it wasn’t all that bad.” Kristoff said before taking Anna’s hand. “Not in the end.”

The two smiled at each other while Elsa was happy to see them together as well, Merida however only rolling her eyes at the idea of falling in love with anyone. However everything was interrupted when Max and Scrooge suddenly appeared in the room. They appeared in a puff of smoke right in front of where Stitch and the other group of heroes had been chasing each other. Stitch stopped which made Sven and Pluto stop before running into each other, Lilo falling off and landing on Olaf whose head rolled from his body.

After his head stopped rolling he looked around and asked “I guess that means we all win, right guys? Woo! Wins for everyone.”

While everyone recovered Minnie and Daisy ran to Max and Scrooge before the queen asked “You’re back? How did you do that?”

“It wasn’t me, your majesty.” Scrooge said, looking just as surprised as the others to see he’d returned.

Max shook his head before saying “P.J. did it. He used Jafar’s lamp and wished us back here so he and his mom could get away.”

Minnie gasped before saying “He has Jafar’s lamp?”

“That’s not all they have.” The voice of Mickey called from the doorway into the room.

Everyone looked to see him walk into the room along with Goofy and Donald. The defeated looks on their faces confirmed for them that they’d failed to stop the villains from claiming what they’d been searching for.

Minnie ran to her husband before asking “Are you alright?”

He looked to her and shook his head, answering her question, before saying “Pete used us to draw out Mushu. And then pistol swiped him before they knocked us out. They have him.”

Donald looked to Scrooge and Max before asking “You say they got the lamp?” When they nodded he grumbled “And we didn’t get anything.”

“Not quite so, lad.” Scrooge suddenly said. “We did find a name to the one behind all of this.” Everyone, except Max, looked to him with anticipation before he said “They call him the Master of Worlds.”

While some looked oddly after hearing this Lilo asked “That’s a weird name. What world does he come from?”

“That’s just it, lass. Apparenlty he doesn’t come from any of them.” Scrooge said.

“But the way P.J. talked about him, how scared he was, I think it’s clear this guy isn’t just some wannabe bad guy.” Max said. “He mentioned he had some kind of dark magic behind him.”

Hearing this Mickey said to himself “Then it has to be somebody we already know. There’s no way someone with that kind of power could just come from out of nowhere.”

“But who?” Minnie asked “Who could be this powerful? Or have this big of an ambition to steal Alpha Beings?”

“Maybe Master Yen Sid and the other will know when they get back.” Goofy suggested.

As if on cue a bright light began to shine through one of the nearby windows. Everyone looked to see as it turned bright blue, the color of the Blue Fairy, and a breath of reassurance went out through all; except the Arendellians. The light grew brighter before the sphere-like shapes of the Alpha Beings appeared, however there were only two instead of three. With that the figures of the ethereal Master Yen and the Blue Fairy appeared, but they had less-than-promising looks on their faces which everyone noticed.

“We seem to have a great problem ahead of us.” Yen Sid said.

Mickey, Donald, and Minnie ran up to both Alphas before the king asked “What happened to you two? Where’s Ray?”

The Blue Fairy gave a saddened answer of “He…is gone.”

Seeing the shocked looks on their faces, as well as some of the other heroes, Yen Sid explained “We’d been searching for more signs of the Horseman before finding him in Cinderella’s world. He’d stolen the magic wand of the Fairy Godmother before returning to his master. We followed the portal he used, expecting to find where he was hiding, instead it brought us to the world where he was searching for his next Alpha Being to steal. That was where we found the one called the Master of Worlds.”

“You saw him?” Donald asked. “You mean he’s real?”

“Unfortunately so, I fear.” Yen Sid continued. “We underestimated his powers. He proved even a match for both of us. But we’d managed to stop him from claiming his prize….however he compensated by stealing Ray instead.”

Those who’d known of Ray all had sorrowful looks. To know that he was a prisoner like Mushu and used as some tool for the Master’s plot only made them more distressed, some more angered. But one question remained that Max saw fit to ask.

“What was he after in the other world?”

In response Yen Sid looked to the Blue Fairy, who everyone realized was holding her left hand close to her chest. She was hiding something, or rather keeping it safe and hidden until the right time. She lowered her hand in plain view for all to see what it was.

It was a green fairy-like creature with flowing hair and a body that looked like living wind. She was practically an embodiment of nature itself, with large yellow eyes that opened and looked to everyone she was presented to.

At first look Anna was the one to say “Aww. She’s so adorable.”

The little creature shied away when Anna tried to reach out to it before Kristoff asked “What the heck is that thing, anyway?”

“That’s a sprite!” Scrooge said with astonishment.

“No, Master Scrooge.” Yen Sid explained. “It’s THE sprite. The spirit of spring itself. At least from her world.”

Olaf gasped when he heard this before saying “Not going to lie, that sounds really cool.”

“I know, right?” Lilo said, obviously showing how much she befriended the living snowman. “I think we should call her ‘Spring’ then.”

“Really?” Olaf asked. “Where’d you get a name like that?” obviously not fully knowing what she meant by it.

The little spring sprite looked at everyone, seeing how they weren’t dangerous, before Anna held out her hand and said “It’s okay. No one’s going to hurt you.”

Seeing the reassuring and friendly look in the princess’ eyes Spring gave a little smile herself before floating her way onto Anna’s hand. The princess giggled a little at the feel before Spring, happier now, flew around her and showed off her wafting trail of nature that followed.

Spring then flew around towards Merida who laughed a little as well before saying “You remind me of the wisps. Only you’re not as eerier as they can be.”

Spring then flew around Pluto and Stitch, who laughed before calling her ‘Fairy bug’ like Tinkerbell. When she came towards Kristoff he gave an awkward greeting, still a little frazzled by the collective odd things he’d been seen today.

When Spring came to Elsa the queen said hello before holding her hand out, though the sprite flinched at the touch before Elsa said “Oops. Sorry. Just you’re not much for the cold are you?”

She then flew towards Sven to which she stopped and stared at him, he doing the same. She titled her head to the side before the reindeer followed and did the same. Finally she floated towards him and hugged Sven by the nose, the reindeer giving a little grumbled as he smiled at this.

“What’s up with that?” Lilo asked.

“In her world, Spring had an elk for a friend.” The Blue Fairy explained. “I suppose Sven here reminds her of him.”

Kristoff cleared his throat before giving a small comment of “He’s a reindeer, just so you know.”

Seeing as Spring was more comfortable and safe among the heroes, Mickey turned to Yen Sid and the Blue Fairy and said “At least we stopped the Master a little.”

“Yes, stopped. But not defeated.” Yen Sid commented. “But I still fear who or what the Master will seek next.”

“How much more do you think he’ll need?” Goofy asked.

“At least we have Elsa, right?” Donald asked. “Maybe he can’t finish his plan without her.”

“I would not be so sure, Master Donald.” Yen Sid retorted. “If he was able to use Ray as a substitute for Spring, then who’s to say he won’t find one for Queen Elsa as well?”

Elsa had perked up after hearing mention of her name, just as Mickey gave an angered “I’m tired of all this chasing around. We need to find out where the Master of Worlds is and stop him right now.”

“How?” Minnie asked having her the conversation herself, as well as most of the others. “Even if we found out where he was, how do you think we’ll stop him?”

“We can try.” Merida said, holding her bow up.

The Blue Fairy waved her suggestion down before saying “A head-on charge into battle may not be the best course, princess. I believe the first thing we’ll need to do is match the Master with magic before might.”

“Part of that means finding out whatever he has planned.” Daisy pointed out. “But what kind of spell needs Alpha Beings to work?”

“None that I know of.” Scrooge said.

“Nor I.” Yen Sid added. “But they’d stolen my book of spells. Why? Surely the Master hasn’t found anything within its pages.”

“Well what if it’s not one spell but a whole bunch?” Lilo suggested, making everyone look to her. As she petted Sven’s nose with Spring sitting on his head Lilo said “You know, like when you make an ice cream Sunday: you need a bunch of flavors and a banana with chocolate syrup and mix it together.”

Mickey suddenly snapped his fingers and said “Lilo, you’re brilliant! That’s it!”

Olaf gasped before saying “You mean the Master of World’s is going to make a Sunday? Actually that doesn’t sound that bad.”

“No, no, no.” Donald shook his head. “He means he’s making one spell out of a bunch.”

“Incredible.” Yen Sid added. “How didn’t I see this?”

“But if he’s making one spell out of many, then what’s he hoping to make in the end?” Elsa asked reluctantly.

With everyone looking to Yen Sid and the Blue Fairy for an answer, the blue dressed fairy answered with “I think for something as grand as this, we will require more help.”

“Good idea.” Merida said. “Maybe someone as strong as this Master of World bloke. So who’s the best choice?”

“That’s just it.” Mickey said. “There’s no one. Only Yen Sid and the Blue Fairy are the strongest. And then there’s Chernabog, but I doubt we can count on him for much help.”

“No, your majesty.” Yen Sid corrected him. “There is one other who we can call on.”

Those that knew enough about the situation gave questioned looks before Max asked “Who?”


It had taken a few moments for Yen Sid and the Blue Fairy to make the necessary preparations for who they were about to call on.

When they did they’d made sure the assembled heroes had given them enough room, which meant clearing the chairs and table within the room itself while everyone stood back far enough. After that they’d used the provided space to create a magic seal on the floor, one that the heroes from Castle Disney knew after seeing it finished.

“The summon spell?” Minnie asked. “But the worlds could be too out of balance. We could end up bringing someone else. Just like what happened with Stitch.”

Remembering what happened before, the little blue alien gasped before running to Lilo and huddling behind her while saying “Stitch not want to get poofed again!”

“We will not need to worry about that, Queen Minnie.” Yen Sid assured her. “The magic of the Blue Fairy and myself will be able to bypass the problem. Though we will only have one chance to make it right as long as everything is in place. Which means no disrupting the seal.”

He looked over to see Olaf looking closely at it to the point of almost touching the seal. Realizing that what he was doing was wrong he backed away from it while giving an awkward laugh.

Once everything was ready the Blue Fairy ordered “Now stand back, please. We’ll need as much room as possible.”

The heroes all nodded before simultaneously taking a step back. Olaf was the only one not to have making Stitch pull him back. Yen Sid made sure they were far back enough before nodding to Mickey, who nodded to him as a sign that he and the others were ready.

Yen Sid looked to the Blue Fairy before saying “Ready my lady.” She nodded and readied herself before Yen Sid called back “Now be ready all of you. The person we summon is very strong. And she does not liked to be called away so unexpectedly.”

Just before the spell began Max asked “She?” before they both began to cast the spell.

The two focused as magic began to surge from their hands and into the seal, both chanting “De Mundi absque dico ad te. Tibi terram hanc fero. Mary Poppins venit ad me. Unde dicitur, fiat!”

Once they’d finished a grand burst of light appeared, making everyone shield their eyes when it blew. It took a moment for it to settle enough that the heroes looked to see a small could of smoke settle around where the seal was, covering up the figure that had been summoned. They all peered closer as the smoke slowly cleared, everyone eventually looking with a mic of surprise and confusion as to who was standing there.

A woman stood there with a long dark coat and a scarf around her neck. In one hand she held an umbrella with a parrot’s head while in the other there was a large carpet bag. She wore an old looking hat with flowers stuck in it that covered her chocolate colored hair. While wearing old clothing her faced seemed younger, with rose cheeks and soft but strict blue eyes and red lips.

After coughing a little before clearing the smoke away, Mary Poppins looked around at her new location before saying “Oh dear me. Let me guess: the end of the worlds is about to occur. Why else would I be summoned here?”

All the heroes, except for Yen Sid and the Blue Fairy, all still looked shocked at this before Kristoff blurted out “What?!?”
Note: I own nothing, all material belongs to the respective owners at Disney.

I'll start off by just saying I apologize for the long wait on this chapter. I sort of his a writer's block with writing the rest of this story and I thought punching out others would help get me back in the mood. Thankfully it did lol. Anyways I didn't want to fully bring Mulan into the story only because I thought it would be overkill with the others heroes we need to focus on and the others acting as secondary characters. Not to worry though as this will pay off in the future.

I always liked the segment of the Firebird in Fantasia 2000, which was part of why I added the spring sprite, a.k.a. Spring, into the story. She will have a part to play of course as the story progresses.

Finally I'd hinted at Mary Poppins being an Alpha Being, and those who've read the original draft know this as well, but I've always had a feeling that the supernatural nanny holds more power than people think. That was part of why I made her out to be among the strongest of the Alpha Beings, and of course to serve her part in the story which you'll see eventually.

Chapter 6:…
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Spartans300's avatar
Didn't know that Mushu was an Alpha Being but then again he is the Guardian of the Fa family. I wonder how he is going to get his full power now. Now I know that this tree connects all of the worlds that are Disney movies both animated, live action, and semi-animated but it's kinda strange to read about Mary Poppins, who is a non-animated character, to appear here even though she can do so like in the chalk drawings. I'm glad to see that the Sprite is in this but what about the Firebird? Isn't that an Alpha Being or is it too chaotic for the Master of Worlds to use?