
End of Worlds: A Disney Crossover Sequel ch.4

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The Chase

Scrooge McDuck opened the door leading to a large display hallway-like room of the castle with Merida, Lilo and Stitch following behind.

The group had been doing as Scrooge said he would, given them all a small history lesson on castle Disney as well as some of the Outer Worlds and the War that occurred over a year ago. During the time Mickey and his friends had left the most they’d done was had Scrooge guide them on a small tour through the castle, one that all of the guests would agree was duller than a bowling ball. However once they came to this room they all perked up with far more interest.

“And here we have the Hall of History, my dears.” Scrooge said with a little pride in his tone.

The room itself housed an assortment of tapestries on the walls, each one depicting moments in the stories of the heroes from each world. Merida and Lilo even pointed out their own, Merida’s showing her mother turned into a bear while Lilo’s had herself and Stitch meeting for the first time; there were even added smaller pictures above or below them showing images like Stitch crashing to earth or Merida winning in the archery contest and upsetting her mother.

The others they looked at included Peter Pan flying through the night sky with his friends, a band of pirates engaged in a ship-to-ship battle at sea, a queen using her powers of ice to turn the land into a wintery paradise, even a woman flying with what seemed like an umbrella. Then they came to the largest one at the very back which, as Scrooge explained, was a representation of the war. The most prominent picture displayed on it was the army of heroes and villains facing off, the Horned King and Taran pointing their weapons at each other with Bald Mountain displayed in the background.

While Merida, Lilo and Stitch looked at it, the princess asked “So that’s the Horned King then?” pointing at his picture. “He doesn’t look all that bad.”

“Don’t be so quick to judge, your highness.” Scrooge said. “He may not look much as a picture, but that monstrous man could make even the bravest quack in their booties.”

Afterwards Scrooge began to go on explaining how the room was made as a means of tourism for those in the kingdom who wished to see Disney Castle for themselves. Of course given how he went on and on about the minor details this made the trio groan with boredom.

While Scrooge kept talking and walking ahead of them, Lilo asked “So your mom turned into a bear, right?”

Merida gave a quick “Aye, she did.” Making Lilo ask another question.

“So how did you change her back?”

Merida tried to think of the best answer before shrugging and saying “It was whole thing with a curse because my mum ate a cake a witch gave me. I had to ‘mend the bond’ which meant stitching up this tapestry she made and then putting it over her. I don’t really know. I just prayed it would work in the end and was grateful it did.” Both Lilo and Stitch looked at her oddly before she said “It’s simple really.” The two heroes looked at each other and shrugged before the princess asked “What about you then? Where did you get your little blue friend?”

“Oh!” Lilo perked up. “I found him at the dog pound. He got run over by a truck but then it turned out he was from outer space. That’s where my alien uncles came from too. Simple really.”

Lilo walked ahead a little with Stitch following, making Merida say to herself “Oh aye…..simple.” with a dumfounded look.

As they all caught up to Scrooge, who had still been talking the entire time, he stopped at one tapestry and said “And here we have the story of our very own King Mickey, along with his future friends. Even my nephew Donald too.”

They all looked up at how larger this one was compared to the others, mainly because it showed so many events on one large tapestry. The shapes of Mickey, Donald and Goofy were present most of the time but Stitch was the one to point out the figures of Minnie, Daisy, Scrooge himself, Yen Sid and even Clarabelle Cow, Chip and Dale, and surprisingly Pete.
“So what’s the story behind all of this?” Merida asked, pointing out all the different pictures.

Scrooge readied himself by fixing his clothes for a moment before beginning with “Well, my dear, King Mickey and his friends have actually been through quite a lot over the years. In fact they used to live in another land as nothing more than peasants.”

“The king used to be poor?” Lilo asked.

“Not just him, dear girl. Goofy and Donald were as well. But one day the three boys wound up growing a giant beanstalk and making up to the very top. That’s where they found a magic harp and a giant that tried to keep it for his own. Thankfully they managed to save it and kill the giant as well. That was the day they were officially declared heroes.”

Stitch gave a little “Oooo.” After hearing this.

“Hold on a minute.” Merida began to say to Scrooge. “I’ve heard you were one of the richest men in the land. How is it that Donald was poor and yet you have such a big fortune?”

Scrooge gave an awkward chuckle before commenting “Actually, missy, it was a while before Donald and I discovered our magical powers. And after that…well let’s just say I found alchemy and turning things into gold was specialty of mine.”

While Merida gave a small disapproving look, now learning that Scrooge merely changed his fortune instead of earning it, Lilo asked “So what happened after the giant?”

Scrooge took the opportunity to go off topic and said “Ah yes! Well afterwards the boys had earned the chance to join among the Royal Musketeers. They were the official guards of the Queen and kingdom.”

“Queen Minnie?” Stitch asked.

“Indeed. And that was when she and Mickey first met. Not to mention Master Yen Sid. And thanks to all of them they were able to save the Queen from being killed for her crown. And then they all lived…”

“Happily ever after?” Lilo and Merida asked at the same time.

Scrooge, seeing they were playing with him, chuckled and said “Well what did you expect?”

They looked back to the tapestry before Merida said “It’s still hard to take all of this in. I mean the whole other world’s thing. Especially knowing that there’s so many incredible things out there. I mean in my world half of this stuff only shows up in fairy tales.”

“Most of this stuff is fairy tales where I come from.” Lilo commented with Stitch giving an agreeing sound.

“Aye, that’s how these balance of the world’s works sometimes.” Scrooge said. “Why do you think there’s so many different kinds of fairies in every world? Or animals talk in some while not in others. It’s all part of some greater magic we may never know.”

While they took that info to heart Merida said “Still, it does feel nice to know we’re among those who DO know.”

“Yeah.” Lilo added. “Sort of like a super-secret club or something. For only the bravest of the bravest to join.” She added with a warrior bravado to it.  

Scrooge chuckled and said “And that you are dear. As well as the rest of those heroes you met today. And just as much as Mickey and the others are as brave of heroes as they are.”


Donald was screaming the whole time he, Goofy and Mickey were sledding down the hill after Max, who was still in pursuit of the Headless Horseman as he was chasing the sled with the heroes of Arendelle.

Given that the three were all on one shield as they sped down, Goofy was holding Mickey clumsily on his shoulders while Donald was holding on for dear life on his back. The three were busy trying to balance themselves while Max, coming closer to the Horseman, drew his sword and readied himself.

Once he was close he shouted “Hey!” getting the Horseman’s attention.

Seeing him coming in the Horseman leaned back and tried to fight off Max, both clashing swords with each other while Max was trying to maintain balance on his shield. While they fought Goofy and the others came up from the other side and tried to attack the Horseman while he was distracted. However he’d managed to push Max away before blocking when Mickey swung his sword at him.  

The Horseman proved to be a very skilled swordsman as well, managing to fight both Mickey and Max while they attacked from both sides while he rode his horse. As this all happened the heroes of Arendelle looked back with a look of disbelief at what they were seeing.

Kristoff, looking back with them, said aloud “I’m not the only one seeing this, right?”

“You mean the headless guy fighting a bunch of guys who look like animals while three are stacked on each other while sledding on shields?” Olaf called back to ask. “Because I wanted to make sure that was what I was seeing to.”

Anna looked back and shouted “Look out!” as she saw they were reaching the bottom of the hill and coming straight towards a forest.

Kristoff turned back and, in that moment, pulled Sven’s rein’s to make him turn in time. They all narrowly missed running into the thicket of dense tress only to find that they were coming straight towards a frozen lake of water. Kristoff pulled the reins back to stop Sven but by the time he did they were already sliding on the icy water. By the time they stopped they were right in the center of it all.

“Not good….” Elsa commented after seeing their predicament.

Meanwhile the heroes were still fighting the Horseman before he realized where Elsa and the others had gone. Seeing this he pushed the heroes away before turning his horse after them. Max, being as skilled as he was in boarding down the hill, managed to turn his shield to a halt and stop. The three others however, not being as skilled, kept going until Goofy turned and managed to land against a tree.

See that he and Mickey weren’t hurt Goofy said “Well that wasn’t so bad.” Not realizing that since he turned he landed against Donald who was now squashed between him and the tree.

Max, seeing the Horseman ride off, drew his sword and gave chase, making Mickey jump from Goofy and call “Wait up, Max!”

Goofy, after picking up his shield and running after them both, called back to Donald “C’mon, Donald! This is no time to take a nap!”

The duck wizard, after recovering himself, grumbled under his breath as he ran after them.
All those on the sled, including Sven, looked around the frozen lake they were on. There were some cracks starting to form where they were, making everyone tense up and stay still.

“Okay, no one move.” Kristoff said. “We just need to think of a plan.” He then glanced over and asked “Elsa, think you can do something?”

She, keeping her hands pointed towards the ground, said “I can try and keep it solid while we try to make it to land. Just as long as nothing else runs onto it.”

Just then they heard the sound of a horse giving a whiny, making them look to see the Horseman and his black horse reach the lake before stepping onto it.

“Oh no…” Anna said, seeing the Horseman coming.

As he and his horse came closer Elsa stood between the others and him and threatening with “Get back! Now! I don’t want to hurt you but you’re not leaving me any…”

The Horseman gave an answer to her threats by, surprisingly, casting a fireball towards the group. As it came towards them for a moment it almost looked like a flaming head or skull. It went over their heads and struck the ice behind them, cracking it instantly.

The crack grew and grew over the ice, eventually breaking. One large piece where the sled was broke off from where Elsa stood, separating her from the group. Anna had even jumped out and tried to pull her sister back but all too late. Even the section where the Horseman stood broke off into its own piece. Max had reached the lake just in time to see the ice break into pieces, making him hop to one before trying to get closer to another.

By the time Mickey, Goofy and Donald arrived the mouse king said “This isn’t good. We need to save them. Fast!”

“What we going to do?” Goofy asked while looking around as the situation.

Donald, thinking to himself for a moment, snapped his fingers and said “I got an idea!”

While they busied themselves with Donald’s plan Max was jumping from one block of ice to another to reach the Horseman, who’d hoped off his horse in order to try and reach Elsa. The snow queen herself had managed to create a bridge of ice between her and where Anna and the others were, only for the Horseman to reach her and grab her from behind.

Elsa turned and pushed him away for a moment, Anna running towards them both in the hopes of saving her sister. Kristoff ran after Anna, trying to stop her from getting hurt. Seeing them coming the Horseman, pushing Elsa aside, threw another fireball with his free hand at them. It struck the ice bridge connecting the blocks of ice, Kristoff managing to pull Anna way before being hit or falling in.

After managing to keep the heroes away the Horseman turned his attention back to Elsa, only to see Max standing there and swing his sword towards him. The two clashed while pushing each other, both trying to keep from falling into the water as they fought. At one point the Horseman managed to knock Max on his back, making him land near Elsa.

“I think you made him angry.” Elsa commented as she helped him up.

Max gave a quick “How can you tell?” before engaging the Horseman again.

Mickey and Goofy got onto a block of ice with Donald coming in last and standing behind them. He made sure they were ready before pointing his wand behind him and towards the water.

Donald shouted “Hang on!” before firing a wind spell that sent the block speeding through the water.

Mickey and Goofy looked amazed as Donald’s clever planning, especially since it helped them to come closer towards where the others were at a faster pace. There came a point where they were too close to where the Horseman’s horse was and, being the loyal pet it was, tried attacking the three as they passed. However in the commotion of the horse’s failed attacks it wound up slipping into the water.

The Horseman had finally gotten the advantage over Max and disarmed him, kicking him to the ground and kicking his sword into the water. He raised his sword, ready to bring it down on the young knight, before Elsa fired her cold magic at him. The Horseman tried to walk towards her, reaching his hand out to stop her, but eventually he was completely frozen solid in ice. At that moment Mickey and the others had rid their ice right into where the Horseman was, causing a bump that sent the headless warrior slipping off and into the water.

Once the Horseman fell in Elsa began using her powers to form a new coat of ice over the water, sealing it up and connecting all the broken pieces back together. Once everyone was okay Mickey, Max, Goofy and Donald all dropped while taking breaths to recover from such an experience. Anna ran over and reunited with her sister, both hugging while Kristoff, Sven and Olaf came over to see she was fine was well.

Anna looked back to the heroes of the other world and said “Thank you. Thank you so much for saving my sister.”

Max, smiling at this, shrugged and said “Hey, all in a day’s work.”

Goofy patted his son on the back while saying “That a boy, Maxie.”

Kristoff spoke up and asked “I don’t want to be rude or anything, but do you think you guys could answer some questions. Like who you are?”

“And what was that thing?” Elsa asked, indicating where the Horseman had sunk.

“And why do you look like a duck?” Olaf asked, not realizing his question was less important than the others.

Mickey took a step forward and said “I’m Mickey.” He then introduced the others with “This is Goofy. His son, Max. And Donald. And that Horseman was after you, Queen Elsa.”

Everyone looked to her, seeing the surprise in her face, before she asked “Why me?”

“It’s a bit of a long story.” Max said. “But right now we need to get you to safety.” When Elsa asked why he said “Because more will probably be coming.”

“The rest of you should come too.” Mickey said to the others. “You could be in danger as well.”

Anna, looking to the others, asked “Well? I mean they did save us after all.”

“But they’re walking talking animals with weapons.” Kristoff added. “Don’t you think that’s kind of weird?”

Olaf nodded and said “Yeah. I mean, I don’t know about you guys, but I can’t think of anything crazier than talking walking talking animals.”

Anna, Kristoff and Sven looked at each other with a “Really?” expression. Mainly because the statement came from Olaf who was himself a walking talking snowman.

Elsa, having the same reaction as well, turned to Mickey and the others before saying “Alright. We’ll come with you. But where do we go?”

Mickey, holding up the magic key for the Doorway, simply asked “You know where the nearest door is?”


In time all the heroes hoped onto Sven’s sled and rode off and away from the lake. However they did not see as the ice began to crack again, a hand suddenly bursting out from it. The Horseman had survived and managed to crawl his way out of the frozen lake, his horse also surviving and breaking out near the shore.

Seeing this the Horseman picked himself up, not seeming to be injured at all, before reaching his horse. Seeing that Elsa was gone and that he’d failed his mission, he had no choice but to hop back onto his horse and wait until the portal for him appeared. Once it did his slowly rode through it, back to where his Master waited.


The heroes all came through the Doorway, letting those from Arendelle exit through as well and take a moment to see they were indeed in a new world outside of their own.

As they looked around Olaf said “Wow. Look at this place! It’s so different. I mean there’s the magic doorway. And all this stone work. And…..the stonework.” Suddenly he began to melt, given that they were in a less cold environment, making him look down and say “And I think you might have a leak.” Elsa, acting fast, made a little flurry above his head to keep him intact, making Olaf sigh and say “Okay, it’s gone.”

Mickey chuckled a little and said “This is just the Doorway Chamber. C’mon. Everyone else is waiting upstairs.”

“More of the heroes you talk about?” Kristoff asked.

Mickey nodded in answer before leading everyone up the stairs and into the castle. Once they came out into the hallway of Castle Disney they were met by a small group of walking broom servants, making the Arendellians jump a little in surprise.

As the servants offered to take their jackets and so on, Anna reluctantly handed over her coat and mittens and hat while saying “This place is weird. But kind of nice too.”

As the broom servants tended to everyone there even came a point where Sven tried to bite one’s arm off. He missed but the servant wagged a finger at him after seeing what he tried to do.

As they finished Elsa said “So, let me just make sure I have all of this down.” She took a breath before saying “This is another world. And all of you are from it?” She indicated Mickey and the others who all nodded her an answer. “And the Horseman is from another world too?” They nodded again. “And he’s after me because I’m something called an ‘Alpha Being’?” They nodded yet again. “And I’m one because of my powers?”

“Pretty much.” Goofy said.

Anna, walking behind her sister, said “I knew you had those powers for a reason.”

Elsa looked back and said “Yeah, but I didn’t think it would be for THIS!” she indicated everything around her, and by extension everything that was happening.

“It’s alright, Elsa.” Mickey tried to calm her. “You’re not the only one. In every world there’s an Alpha Being in one sense or another.”

“Some are even stronger than others.” Donald added. “Maybe even more than you.”

Kristoff huffed a little at this and asked “What? You got a guy who can shoot fire instead?”

“Well we do have a guy as strong as a giant.” Goofy mentioned.

“And a magic genie that can grant wishes.” Donald added.

Max finished with “Not to mention a girl who can change reality with her mind.”

There was a collective look of surprise from the group as they heard this before Elsa said “Wow. I can’t believe it. I mean…..I mean I’m not the only one.” She then perked up and asked “Are any of them here?”

The heroes from Disney Castle looked at each other awkwardly before Mickey said “Well… But there is…”

Before he could finish they all heard someone call “Your majesty!” making them look to see Scrooge running down the hall towards them.

As he approached Kristoff said to himself “Oh great. Another.”

Olaf, hearing this, commented “I’ll be honest, I was half-expecting something like a weasel.”

Once Scrooge reached the group he said “Your highness, it’s good to see you back. All of you.” Seeing those from Arendelle he bowed a little and said “And some more guests as well. How nice…” he added with a small sense of annoyance in his tone.

Elsa and the others all bowed back a litte, Olaf and Sven the only ones not to while the snowman just waved and said “Hi there. I’m Olaf, and I like warm hugs!”

He suddenly rushed up and hugged Scrooge, some of the snow from the flurry fall on the older duck wizard’s head. Once Olaf was done Scrooge wiped off the snow while saying “Quite…” before looking back to Mickey and saying “Good to see you managed to stop the Horseman.” He looked around before asking “Did you bring him back?”

Mickey gave a little awkward sigh before saying “Not exactly. But I think we’ve stopped him at least. At least…I hope so.” Trying to take things on a lighter note he asked “Where are the girls and Stitch?”

Scrooge answered with a prideful tone “The princess insisted on trying to practice her archery. Said all of the history lessons I gave her were so enlightening she needed some time to let it all sink in.”

Figuring that was just Merida’s excuse Donald and Max exchanged glances before the latter said “Uh-huh. I’m sure that was the case.” With a sarcastic tone.

Scrooge continued on with “Last I saw, Lilo and Stitch went with her. I’m sure they’re just enjoying the princess’ skills firsthand.”

As if on cue after Scrooge finished there came a loud crash and something rushing just over his head. The arrow that had come through the window had gone straight through hit hat and wound up taking it off his head before pinning it against the wall behind him.

Everyone else looked surprised, seeing how the arrow had come so close to hitting Scrooge, before looking towards the window where it came through. Looking outside they could see it wasn’t Merida but Lilo who’d shot it.

She was holding a smaller bow compared to Merida’s own, while standing at a custom made archery range with Merida and Stitch. The princess was standing to the side while Stitch held a quiver that was empty. The small target where Lilo had been shooting at had not been hit but everywhere around it had an arrow sticking out.

Lilo, looking back to Merida at this point, asked “How was that?”

Merida was holding back a laugh while saying “Well you’re getting there.”

Inside the castle the heroes looked back to each other, Anna asking “Are those the heroes you were talking about? Kids?”

Mickey gave an awkward laugh and said “Well it’s a funny story. You see…”

Suddenly someone called “Mickey!” making everyone look to see Minnie and Daisy running up towards them. When she reached them she looked worried and said “Mickey, it’s the Basin. It’s gone dark!”

Hearing this everyone who understood what that meant looked worried, Donald saying “Oh no. Not again. Now we won’t be able to see what’s happening in the other worlds.”

“What’s worse” Goofy began “it means the worlds are out of balance already.”

“But there’s something else.” Daisy said, getting their attention. “Before it went dark, the Basin showed us where Pete and the others were.”

“You mean where they’re hiding?” Max asked.

“No.” Minnie answered. “Only that we could see they were in other worlds, looking for something. From what we could see, Pete was in Mulan’s world. And his son, PJ, was in Argabah, out in the desert.”

The heroes all looked at each other, surprised by this, before Mickey said “We need to find out what they’re doing and stop them.”

Donald groaned a little and said “It never ends, does it?”

Max suddenly spoke up and said “I’ll deal with PJ. I can try and talk to him.”

“Good idea.” Mickey said. “That leaves Pete to us.” He indicated himself, Donald and Goofy.

“I’ll go with you, boyo.” Scrooge said to Max. When asked why he said “Cause there’s no telling what tricks Pete and his family could have up their sleeves. You might be wanting some magic on your side.” He then whispered “And to tell you the truth, I’m tired of sitting around playing babysitter.”

Max, seeing the logic in Scrooge’s reasons, nodded and said “Okay. But keep close to me. Don’t want to get separated or anything like that.”

Mickey turned to Elsa and the other Arendelle heroes and said “Sorry to have to rush like this, but it’s important. All of you just stay put. Queen Minnie will help get you situated.” With that he turned to the others and said “Let’s hurry before we’re too late.”

With that all of the heroes left back down towards the Doorway Chamber and tried to make it to the other worlds to stop whatever was going on. That left everyone from Arendelle with Queen Minnie and Daisy for the time.

“So….” Kristoff began to ask “You guys wouldn’t happen to have any carrots would you?” Sven perking up when he asked.

“Well we do have a kitchen nearby.” Minnie commented and pointed towards where it was.

Olaf perked up and said “I’ll get them for you, Sven.” Before walking off.

By the time he turned the corner Minnie and Daisy realized what was going to happen. They both counted down from five together before hearing Olaf say “Hi there.” Followed by Clarabelle screaming again.

Daisy sighed and said “You think she’d be used to it by now.”


“You fool!” the Master of Worlds shouted at the Horseman. “How could you fail to capture one girl?”

The Horseman, back in the hidden lair of the Master of Worlds along with his horse, was kneeling down in front of the stairs that lead up to the Master’s throne. Obviously he was furious that his minion had failed to capture Elsa, making him stand and shout at him for his botched mission.

“To think, my most trusted servant could fail worse than that bumping oaf and his family!” the Master said, pointing at the Horseman. He primed what seemed like a killing spell on his hands, a glow of dark green forming into a fireball, which made the Horseman seem nervous. For a moment the Master seemed as if he was ready to toss it at him but then said “The only reason I don’t destroy you here and now is because you still have uses.” He dispersed the spell and, his eyes blaring for a moment, before saying “You may still be able to redeem yourself. Go!” He pointed his finger and created a portal for the Horseman. “Bring me the wand of Cinderella’s Fairy Godmother.” He then waited until the Horseman left before saying to himself “I’ll have to procure a powerful Alpha Being myself.”

The Master created a new portal once the old one was gone, stepping through it himself before the entire hidden base was left empty and silent.
Note: I own nothing, all material belongs to the respective owners at Disney.

One of the main things I enjoy about writing these stories is seeing the interactions between all the different characters. Especially when it comes to how they all compare how odd each new world seems to their own. I just think that, in a real situation, they would be questioning one thing and yet have something equally odd in their own world. A funny little note for this chapter is all lol.

Chapter 5:…
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Spartans300's avatar
I gotta ask who are the citizens of Mickey's world? Because you mention people but exactly what kind? Are they more animorphic like in the Goofy Movie or something else? 

I can imagine Stictch's "Ooooo." :D Speaking of Mickey and the Beastalk any chance of that giant being alive and roaming about? I know that he was at the end of Mickey and the Beanstalk. 

Max is starting to remind me of Carl from The Walking Dead. Impulsive and anxious to prove himself that he can take care of himself. 

I love Clarabelle. What are her reactions based off? Because I remember in Dreamworks' Monsters vs Aliens there was a secretary in the meeting room that kept on screaming and dropping things whenever one of the monsters showed up on the screen.